Xoliqjon Vines was arrested
20 March 2024
97136Xoliqjon Vines was recently apprehended and detained for seven days, as reported by the Department of Internal Affairs in the Bukhara region.
The cause of Viner's incarceration stemmed from a video he filmed, where he was seen driving his Nexia car over two individuals and deliberately damaging a road sign. The incident, captured on Namozgoh Street in Bukhara, prompted an investigation by the Road Safety Department of the Public Safety Service of the Regional DIA, resulting in the identification of the driver and vehicle owner. The car was impounded.
Following thorough investigations, an administrative case was initiated against Viner and four accomplices under relevant sections of the Code of Administrative Responsibility. The case was adjudicated in the Bukhara City Court of Criminal Cases.
In accordance with Article 183 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, all four individuals involved were sentenced to five days of administrative detention. Additionally, Kholiqjon Samadov, the primary instigator, was found guilty of offenses outlined in Article 125, Part 1, Article 128, Part 5, Part 2, Article 147, and Article 183 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, resulting in a seven-day administrative detention.
It's worth noting that a blogger had previously faced accountability on Instagram for a video depicting him assaulting a girl involved in a dispute with her boyfriend.