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From the Presidential Administration to the District Administration. To which bodies does the Law on Conflict of Interest apply?



The list of state bodies and organizations to which the Law "On Conflict of Interest" is applied has been approved. This was reported by the Anti-Corruption Agency.

It is known that the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Conflict of Interests":

- to state bodies and local state authorities;
- to state institutions, state unitary enterprises, state trust funds;
- it is determined to apply to joint-stock companies with a state share of 50 percent or more.

"In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the head of state PQ-210, the precise list of state bodies and organizations that are subject to the implementation of the law by the Republican Interdepartmental Commission on Coordination of the Organization of the Implementation of the Law 'On Conflict of Interests' confirmed," the report said.

It is reported that in the event that state bodies and organizations are reorganized, renamed or reorganized in accordance with the law, the specially authorized body in the field of regulation of relations related to conflicts of interest - the Agency for Combating Corruption, will amend the List. and additions are made.

The full list can be found below:

For information, this law was approved by the deputies in October 2022 and sent to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, and on June 1, the Senate sent it to the President for signature. One year later, on June 5, 2024, the law was signed by Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The Law "On Conflict of Interest" will come into force from December of this year.


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