The President signed the law on conflict of interest



On June 5, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the law titled "On Conflict of Interest," according to a report by UzA.

This law pertains to state bodies and local state authorities, state institutions, state unitary enterprises, state trust funds, and joint-stock companies where the state's share in the authorized capital is 50 percent or more.

Key terms defined in the law include employees of a state body or other organization, conflict of interest, special unit for regulation of conflict of interest, personal interest, and close relatives.

The law identifies the following individuals as related to an employee of a state body or other organization:

  • Close relatives of the employee
  • An employee and/or their close relatives who own shares in the authorized capital of a legal entity
  • A legal entity where the employee or their close relatives hold a leadership or management position

The Anti-Corruption Agency is designated as the specially authorized state body responsible for regulating conflict of interest matters. The ethics commission within each state body or organization is tasked with ensuring compliance with the law.

Employees of state bodies or organizations are required to disclose any conflict of interest by submitting a notification and a declaration of potential conflict of interest.

The declaration must include:

  • The employee's position, full name, patronymic, and personal identification number
  • The full name, patronymic, personal identification number (if any), place of work, and position of the employee’s close relatives
  • The official name and taxpayer identification number of any joint-stock company where the employee or their close relatives are shareholders
  • The official name and taxpayer identification number of any legal entity founded or managed by the employee or their close relatives

The law will take effect six months after its official publication.


Shavkat Mirziyoev Manfaatlar to'qnashuvi

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