Action was taken against the soda company for copying the packaging



In the Namangan region, authorities have taken action against "Mustang Leader Free" LLC for copying the packaging design of a Russian soda product. This was reported by the Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights.

The Committee investigated a complaint filed by Bashkir Soda Company (Bashkirskaya Sodovaya Kompaniya) JSC (Russia), alleging that "Mustang Leader Free" LLC's actions misled consumers and constituted unfair competition. The Namangan regional administration handled the case.

The investigation revealed that "Mustang Leader Free" LLC had copied the packaging, design, and labeling of "Soda Pishevaya," a product from "Bashkirskaya Sodovaya Kompaniya" JSC, which had already been introduced to the market. The imitation included similar color schemes, product names, and packaging designs, misleading consumers regarding the origin and production of the soda.

As a result, the regional administration's Special Commission initiated legal proceedings against "Mustang Leader Free" LLC for violating Article 21 of the Law "On Competition." The company was fined accordingly.

Additionally, the authorities issued instructions to rectify the violation and prevent similar actions in the future.

It is worth noting that a tea company was fined under similar circumstances earlier.


Raqobat qo'mitasi soda Ko'chirmakashlik

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