There is a high risk of corruption in 10 functions assigned to “Toshshahartransxizmat”



There is a significant risk of corruption in 10 of the 30 functions assigned to the "Toshshahartransxizmat" Joint-Stock Company, as reported by the Anti-Corruption Agency.

Under Presidential Decree No. 240, dated May 11, 2022, an evaluation of corruption risks within state bodies and organizations, including local executive authorities, has been mandated.

In 2024, an assessment of the 30 functions assigned to "Toshshahartransxizmat" JSC revealed that 10 functions are classified as having a "high" level of corruption risk, 17 functions as "medium" risk, and 3 functions as "low" risk.

The report states, "An organization with a significant number of functions classified as high-risk for corruption is deemed to be 'the most corrupt,' while individuals in positions with high corruption risks are considered 'corrupt.' Conversely, organizations predominantly characterized by 'low' corruption risks are not necessarily 'corruption-free.'"

It is emphasized that these findings serve as indicators that sufficient control measures have either been implemented within these organizations or, conversely, that additional control measures are required. Moreover, it underscores the need for the organization's leadership to closely monitor processes (functions) and positions associated with high corruption risks.

It is worth noting that in February of this year, Anvar Juraev, who previously served as the chairman of the board of "Toshshahartransxizmat" JSC, was incarcerated. A criminal case was initiated against him under Article 167 (embezzlement or fraudulent misappropriation) and Article 209 (falsification of official documents) of the Criminal Code.



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