Farmer was arrested in Surkhandarya for attempting to sell 5 hectares of land for $80,000



A farmer was apprehended in the Surkhandarya region while attempting to sell 5 hectares of land for $80,000. This incident involved multiple officials, including an employee of the Farmers' Council from the Torakorgan district, a representative from the Urganch district administration, and the head of the cadastral department of Ghazgon city, all of whom have been arrested by the State Security Service.

According to reports, the official from the Torakorgan District Farmers' Council was seeking to facilitate the sale of land allotted to his spouse. In exchange for registering the 1 hectare of land for farming under the buyer's name, he demanded $10,000. The official was caught when he accepted $6,900 and 15 million soums.

During the preliminary investigation, it was revealed that this land had been acquired by the official's husband through an auction in March of this year. A lease agreement was signed with the district administration in April, and the land was officially registered.

In a related case in the Khorezm region, an employee of the Urganch district administration misled a buyer born in 1977 regarding a separate plot of land. This land had been allocated to another citizen for constructing household service facilities by the district governor in 2018 but was not registered in the state records due to missing approvals and necessary cadastral documentation. The employee falsely claimed that light-type cottages could be constructed on the plot.

They were ultimately caught by the State Security Service and the Department of Combating Economic Crimes while soliciting $50,000 for their services and accepting an advance of $30,000.

In another rapid operation in the Navoi region, the head of the cadastral department of Ghazgon city was arrested while demanding $40,000 for registering 1 hectare of land in the Nurota district. He was caught while accepting $6,000 as part of the payment.

Furthermore, in cooperation with the Department of Internal Affairs of Surkhandarya region, a resident of Denov, born in 1974, was apprehended after signing a lease agreement for planting livestock fodder crops on a 5.33-hectare farm. This land had been allocated through his acquaintances in the cadastral offices, and he was caught receiving $80,000 for formalizing it in the buyer's name.

"Criminal cases have been initiated against all individuals involved, and investigations are ongoing," the report states.


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