Uzbek man sentenced to 14 years for molesting minor girl in Russia



An Uzbek man who molested a minor girl in Russia has been sentenced to 14 years in prison, according to a report by RIA Novosti.

It is noted that in August 2023, a 59-year-old man saw an 11-year-old girl near one of the houses on Shevchenko Street in Kaliningrad. He took her to a hotel under the pretext of showing her the way to the bus stop. On the way, he attempted to perform various sexual acts on her, bit her on the face, then got on his bicycle and fled.

The citizen of Uzbekistan who committed the crime was accused of using violence against a person under 14 years of age and taking advantage of the victim's helpless state. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

It was reported that the defendant did not admit his guilt.

We remind you that earlier, another Uzbek man was arrested on a beach in Moscow, Russia, accused of molesting two minor girls.


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