39 complaints were received regarding forced voting in “Open budget”



In the 2nd season of the "Initiative Budget" 2024, 39 complaints were received regarding cases of coercion to collect votes. This was reported by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

According to the report, the highest number of complaints by region was received in the Fergana region (7), followed by Tashkent with 6 complaints, and Namangan and Jizzakh regions with 5 complaints each. Most of the complaints were related to secondary schools (19) and medical organizations (16).

It was noted that all complaints will be forwarded to the Councils of People's Deputies of the relevant district (city). If the situation is confirmed, the projects in question may be removed from the voting stage or disqualified from the list of winners.

For your information, the voting phase for the 2nd season of "Initiative Budget" 2024 began on August 22 and will continue until August 31 at 11:59 p.m. In the current season, 3 trillion soums will be allocated from the state budget for the implementation of the proposed projects, with a maximum of 1 billion 360 million soums allocated per project.


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