Tour companies that organized Umrah events illegally are being held accountable



Appropriate measures are being taken against those who are engaged in the organization and conduct of Umrah events illegally. This was reported by the Committee for Religious Affairs.

It was reported that 93 Uzbek and Tajik citizens who visited Saudi Arabia for the purpose of worship but were not allowed into Mecca, were kicked out of the hotel and did not have return air tickets, have applied.

It is noted that most of these pilgrims were sent on their trip by "Yusro tour", "Muslim travel", "Meta travel", and "Elchi travel". When the consulate of Uzbekistan in Jeddah investigated the matter, it was found that no payments were made to the hotel on behalf of these pilgrims. At the same time, it was revealed that the tour companies owed 35 thousand US dollars to the hotel in Saudi Arabia. After that, the issue of repatriating citizens to their homeland was considered together with partner organizations.

In another case, it was found that the unlicensed Ultra Parvoz tour company in the Uchkuprik district of the Fergana region was also involved in sending citizens to perform Umrah illegally. In addition, the Yasin travel tour company located in Tashkent illegally sent 74 citizens to perform Umrah. A criminal case was initiated against them under Article 168 of the Criminal Code (fraud).

During the raid, it was found that the Atlas travel tour company located in Namangan received $31,900 in exchange for issuing air tickets and other relevant documents to send 30 citizens to perform Umrah illegally, without a license, and sent the citizens to Saudi Arabia on November 8 of this year via the Tashkent-Dubai-Jeddah flight. The company operator spent $8,900 on his own needs without issuing return air tickets for citizens.

In addition, the tour companies "Mahdiy Travel", "Parvoz Express" and "Muhayyo 22-10" in the Fergana region also operated illegally without a license for citizens. Legal measures were taken against them.

We would like to remind you that on October 9 of this year, Resolution No. 300 of the Cabinet of Ministers "On further improving measures related to the organization and conduct of Umrah events" was adopted. According to it, the amount of the fine imposed on legal entities for violations of the license for providing Umrah pilgrimage services was set at 200 times the minimum wage (75 million sums).


Umra Makka turfirmalar

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