Documents adopted by 10 mayors in Namangan were found to be against the law
19 July 2024
5256It was found that the normative legal documents adopted by 10 district governments of the Namangan region contradict the requirements of the Law "On Competition". This was reported by the Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights.
During the first half of this year, a total of 4,214 normative legal and other types of documents were reviewed in Mingbuloq, Kosonsoy, Pop, Norin, Namangan, Toraqorgon, Uychi, Chust, Chortoq, and Yangigorgon district administrations to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law "On Competition".
As a result of the adoption of a total of 12 decisions in these district administrations that led to the restriction of competition in the commodity or financial market and the discrimination of the rights and legal interests of consumers, it was determined that violations of Article 22 of the Law "On Competition" occurred. This article prohibits the adoption of restrictive documents and actions (or inaction) that limit competition.
According to the results of these reviews, the regional administration made appropriate submissions to the city and district mayors to address the identified law violations and prevent similar cases in the future.
It should be noted that documents adopted by 11 governorships in Samarkand were also found to be against the law.