Principal was penalized for forcing teachers to pull grass in Namangan 



It was recently reported that the principal of the 43rd school in the Pop district of the Namangan region, in disregard of the school holiday, summoned teachers to the school premises and compelled them to engage in tasks outside their professional responsibilities until 4:00 p.m.

The principal in question has been fined. This information was provided by the Regional Department of Preschool and School Education.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 51 (Administrative Coercion to Work) of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, a penalty amounting to 50 times the base calculation rate has been imposed on the principal.

For reference, under the law that aims to enhance accountability in preventing the obstruction of pedagogical staff from performing their duties, any offense committed against a pedagogical employee of an educational institution will result in a fine ranging from 100 to 150 times the base calculation rate.

Moreover, pursuant to the Presidential Decree issued on August 14, 2018, public education workers are strictly prohibited from being involved in work unrelated to their service obligations, including forced labor, participation in district and urban beautification and greening projects, seasonal agricultural tasks, and other prohibited activities.

Additionally, the Cabinet of Ministers has enacted a resolution titled "On Additional Measures to Eliminate Forced Labor in the Republic of Uzbekistan."


Namangan viloyati 43-maktab direktori

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