Man who grabbed a stranger's waist in the subway was arrested



A man who groped a girl by the waist in the Tashkent subway has been arrested, as QALAMPIR.UZ has learned from court documents.

On July 26 of this year, a person named M.T. was accused of groping Z.S. below the waist on an electric train at the "Amir Temur" metro station, constituting sexual assault.

During the court session, the offender M.T. confessed to his actions but claimed that the victim Z.S.'s hand had accidentally touched below the waist and that he did not act intentionally. He requested leniency from the court.

M.T. was found guilty of committing an offense under Article 411, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, and was sentenced to 3 days of administrative imprisonment.

We remind you that previously, a watermelon seller who grabbed a stranger's waist and groped her was also arrested.


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