Man was arrested in Jizzakh for keeping weapons and drugs in his house



A 58-year-old man who kept weapons and drugs in his house was arrested in Jizzakh, according to the regional DIA press service.

It was reported that during an operation conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department of the Regional Intelligence Service and the State Security Service, a 58-year-old citizen living in the "Ittifoq" neighborhood of Jizzakh city was found to be keeping a sporting weapon in his apartment and auxiliary farm.

During the investigation, it was discovered that, in addition to the weapon, the individual had 13.8 grams of marijuana on a shelf and a total of 65 grams of marijuana in his pockets.

"In connection with this situation, documents have been issued in the appropriate order, and investigations are currently being carried out," the report stated.

We remind you that earlier in Bukhara, 3 Makarovs and 1 TT pistol, along with ammunition, were seized from illegal circulation.


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