Head of Road Construction Organization and Cadastral Officer arrested for bribery in Khorezm



In a significant development, the head of the road construction organization and an employee from the Khiva district branch of the Chamber of State Cadastres have been apprehended for accepting bribes in the Khorezm region. The State Security Service has confirmed the arrests, shedding light on the corrupt practices of these individuals.

According to official reports, the department head of "Khorazm Yol Kurilish" LLC allegedly made a promise to lay asphalt on 8,500 square meters of land owned by a family enterprise in the Khiva district. Shockingly, this offer was made without issuing any necessary documents. In exchange, the department head demanded a staggering amount of 1 billion 306 million soums from the enterprise's director. However, law enforcement authorities were able to intervene and seize $48,000 of the agreed sum during the transaction.

In another unrelated incident, an employee from the Khiva district branch of the State Cadastre Chamber was implicated in a similar case of corruption. It has come to light that the employee, aware of a notarial procedure where 4,000 square meters of land in his father-in-law's name were sold to a buyer, falsely claimed to have a share in the property. In a brazen act, he demanded that the land buyer pay him $60,000 as his supposed share. Fortunately, vigilant authorities caught him red-handed as he received the requested money from an acquaintance during a fast-paced event.

The arrests of these individuals serve as a testament to the commitment of the State Security Service to combating corruption and upholding the rule of law in the region. Such incidents not only undermine public trust but also hinder the progress and development of the local community. The swift action taken by law enforcement agencies demonstrates their determination to root out corruption and ensure a fair and just society.


pora Xorazm

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