Head of Dashtabad railway station was arrested for bribery in Jizzakh region



The head of the Dashtabad railway station, located in the Zomin district of the Jizzakh region, has been arrested on bribery charges, according to a report from the State Security Service.

The official in charge of the Dashtabad station, which operates under the "Railway Infrastructure" JSC, allegedly facilitated the processing of 100 freight wagons carrying coal products into Uzbekistan from Tajikistan. The wagons, managed by a company involved in retail trade of non-specialized goods, remained at the station beyond the allocated time during the unloading process. To avoid penalties for the delay, the station head demanded a bribe of $10,000—equivalent to $100 per wagon—offering to issue documents falsely certifying that the cargo had been unloaded on time.

The station head was apprehended while receiving $4,000 in bribes for 40 wagons. A criminal case has been opened under Article 210 (Bribery) of the Criminal Code, and the individual has been detained.

It is worth noting that this official had previously been convicted under Article 169 (Theft) of the Criminal Code but failed to learn from past misconduct.

This arrest follows similar incidents in Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya, where officials were caught accepting bribes to cover up crimes.


pora Jizzax viloyati “Temiryo'linfratuzilma” AJ Dashtobod temiryo'l stantsiyasi stantsiya boshlig'i

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