In Khorezm, A School Director Beat a Pupil 



The news about the school principal physically assaulting a student who arrived late for an exam in the Khorezm region has sparked widespread discussion on the internet.  In response to this incident, the Khorezm Region Preschool and School Education Department has issued an official statement.

According to reports, the incident occurred on the 1st of May of this year at School No. 6 in Khiva City.  The principal of the school allegedly resorted to physical violence against the student for being late to the state exam.  Disturbingly, it was revealed that this was not an isolated incident, as the director had reportedly repeated this behavior on four separate occasions.  Consequently, concerned authorities were urged to hold the principal accountable for his actions.

The matter was thoroughly investigated through collaboration between the working group from the regional preschool and school education department and representatives from relevant authorized organizations.  As a result, the official response stated, "The director of School No. 6 in Khiva City has been subjected to disciplinary measures due to inadequate performance of his duties, negligence, and irresponsibility in his work."



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