Case was initiated against the cotton cluster in Kashkadarya



A case has been initiated against "Karshi Agrocluster" LLC, which operates in the Kashkadarya region, due to manipulative practices. The Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights reported that appropriate measures were taken in response to these actions.

Following investigations conducted by the regional administration of Kashkadarya, it was found that "Karshi Agrocluster" LLC violated legislative provisions prohibiting actions that restrict competition in stock trading. The textile cluster was identified as selling cotton fiber products based on direct contracts in eight instances.

Furthermore, a comparison of the prices of this product against average exchange quotations revealed a significant discrepancy, amounting to approximately 517 million soums due to inflated prices.

In light of these findings, the Special Commission of the Committee initiated legal proceedings against "Karshi Agrocluster" LLC for violating the requirements outlined in Article 29 of the Law "On Competition" and Resolution No. 170 of the Cabinet of Ministers. As a result, appropriate measures were implemented by established procedures.

Additionally, a mandatory directive was issued to rectify the legal violations and ensure that such issues do not recur in the future.

It is worth noting that similar findings were previously reported in two clusters located in the Navoi region. These clusters were found to have generated unjustified income by failing to list technical seed products on the stock market according to the sales charts, resulting in a discrepancy between the average sales prices and the expected volumes.


paxta Qashqadaryo

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