Student was arrested after a gas cylinder explosion in Kashkadarya caused one death
15 August
8595On March 18 of this year, it was reported that around 40 people were injured due to a gas cylinder explosion during the Nawruz holiday in the Kashkadarya region. The verdict has now been delivered to the 22-year-old student who installed the gas cylinder. QALAMPIR.UZ reviewed the court document.
According to the verdict, B.Sh., born in 2002 in the Chirakchi district and a student at the Tashkent Institute of Economics and Technology, brought a 27-liter gas cylinder to the Nawruz celebration in the Kokdala district. He intended to cook and sell fish from a boat.
A prevention inspector repeatedly instructed the young man to remove the gas cylinder from the populated area or bury it in the ground. However, B.Sh. ignored these warnings, installed a gas stove on the gas cylinder, and began using it. The gas cylinder soon exploded.
As a result of the explosion, seven people sustained moderate injuries, while another seven suffered serious injuries. One person, who sustained 80% burns, was hospitalized. Sadly, the female victim died in the hospital on April 25, 2024.
B.Sh. fully confessed his guilt in court.
"To make a living, I have been cooking fish for markets and holidays for 5-6 years. On March 18, 2024, I went to cook and sell fish for the Nawruz holiday in the Tukmor neighborhood. When I arrived, there were over 100 people at the celebration. I set up a gas cylinder, oven, and pots at one end of the field and began cooking fish. After about 1-2 hours, around 500 people had gathered for the celebration. At 11:00 a.m., an explosion occurred. I lost consciousness and only regained it after going to the hospital. Later, I learned that the unused gas cylinder, which was kept in reserve, had exploded," the young man said in his testimony.
He expressed deep regret for his actions, admitted his carelessness, and asked the court for leniency.
B.Sh. was found guilty of violating Article 102, Part 1 (Manslaughter due to negligence) and Article 111, Part 3 (Reckless infliction of moderate or serious bodily injury on two or more persons). He was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment. His behavior order was changed, and he was taken into custody in the courtroom.