Individuals were apprehended for promising to deliver driver's licenses without examinations



In Navoi, Fergana, and Samarkand, individuals who promised to procure driver's licenses without the necessary examinations were apprehended, according to the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office.

In the Navoi region, the head of a driving school, identified as Z.M., gained the trust of a citizen named Sh.J. and was caught with physical evidence after promising to secure a driver's license for Sh.J.'s husband in exchange for $1,000.

A similar incident occurred in Samarkand. In the Samarkand district, U.T. and Sh.A. were apprehended with physical evidence after requesting $1,000 from citizen M.A. to obtain a driver's license through their connections and had already received $500.

Additionally, in the Fergana region, citizen M.M. was caught with physical evidence while promising A.Q. a driver's license without attending training courses for $1,300.

Criminal cases have been initiated in connection with these incidents under Article 25, 168 (fraud) and Article 28, 211 (bribery) of the Criminal Code, and investigations are currently ongoing.

It should be noted that a criminal group selling fake driver's licenses was previously apprehended in Tashkent.


Navoiy YHXB prava

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