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The Ministry of Energy issued an appeal to the population



Despite the measures taken in Uzbekistan, electricity consumption has reached the highest level, i.e., 250 million kWh.  Also, the daily demand for natural gas remains high compared to production.  This indicator was not limited on 31 December 2022, and the daily electricity consumption was 220 million kWh.  This is stated in a statement from the Ministry of Energy.

It is noted that in the city of Tashkent alone, on 13 January, electricity consumption increased by 32 million kWh, and due to various reasons (emergencies and restrictions), 1 million kWh of electricity was not delivered to consumers.

"To direct natural gas to the population, the amount of natural gas burning in thermal power plants has been reduced, and the reserve fuel oil has been burned 3 times more than planned.

Due to the high water level in the Charvoq reservoir, hydroelectric power stations are producing 170 percent of electricity compared to the plan in the current autumn-winter season compared to the previous autumn-winter season," the official information of the ministry said.

According to information, as a result of consumers widely using electric devices for heating their homes these days, when there is a shortage of natural gas, more than 1000 failures occurred in the city of Tashkent alone today, due to the increase in network loads during the day.

To speed up the troubleshooting, additional brigades from all regional power grid enterprises across the country were brought to Tashkent.

In this case, the Ministry of Energy asked the population to use electricity sparingly.

"Dear compatriots, of course, we are taking all necessary measures to correct this situation and eliminate malfunctions.  If we all work together in this difficult time, we will overcome these problems.  In this case, the most important factor is the rational and economical use of energy resources.  For this, as much as possible:
• not to use more than one electric heating device in apartments;

• temporary transfer of employees of enterprises and organizations to online work mode;

• turn off redundant street lights, advertising screens, and illuminations, including lights in unfinished buildings;

• measures should be taken against consumers who illegally use energy resources.

As a result of this, it will be possible to direct the saved energy resources to the population and social sphere objects," said the ministry.


Energetika vazirligi anomal sovuq

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