Number of “heroes” who do not support one family and undocumented women increases – Alisher Kadyrov



Yesterday, on September 5, another meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis was held. The draft law "On amendments and additions to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was considered and adopted. However, the additions to the current law have caused discussions among the general public, so MP Alisher Kadyrov expressed his opinion on this matter.

It should be noted that, in the proposed bill against advocating cohabitation with two or more wives, openly denying the equal rights of women and men, and covering totally one's face in public, It is intended to determine the moral responsibility.

According to the deputy, these restrictions are intended to protect the core values of society. 

"Family, woman, private parts, marriage, child... for all of us, very valuable criteria! Look at our situation today! Who is turning our valuable criteria into risk factors!?

For example, in our religion, a woman's face is not aurat, but "purpose unknown", men wearing burqas were caught hiding their faith and covering their faces completely. Who are they and what are their goals? It is necessary to cover the aurat, but open your face, the creator did not aurat the face? Is it possible to ignore it for the safety of society and our loved ones?" says Alisher Kadyrov.

The deputy also noted that the additions to the law do not prohibit religious marriage but aim to regulate and strengthen it while taking measures against men who marry and abandon their three or four children on the streets.

"The number of undocumented women and children, who are invisible to the state and cannot be helped according to the law, has increased sharply. What will happen then?! Have marriage, family, children become so worthless? Religional marriage has not been banned, it is being regulated to strengthen it: register first, the state must know the number of every citizen!" he says.

Alisher Kadyrov also addressed men who evade paying alimony and neglect their legal obligations, saying, "As the advertisement first affects the hungry, the characters who are unable to raise a family, despite the clear and very heavy conditions and obligations set by our religion, they gets married with a pinch of sugar and runs away from paying alimony. Isn't this a reference to marriage, humiliation of a woman!? "I will not be surprised if it turns out to be these idiots who call the restriction, which is understood by those with common sense and religious knowledge, as a ban," said the deputy.

Regarding the question of why punishment for discrimination is being increased, the deputy answered.

 "We are getting rid of the Soviet disease such as discrimination on the basis of faith, but one can write for hours about the goals and consequences of inciting national and ethnic conflicts, discrimination against others, and provocation. A legal basis is being created to prevent this. Will it be easy to get a legal assessment? Of course not, but we don't want to look. If the practice shows a mistake, it will be corrected, the analyzes will not be stopped," says the deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.


Oliy Majlis Alisher Qodirov

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