A new mayor was appointed to Bekobad district
07 August 2023
7931Today, on August 7, according to the decision of the Council of People’s Deputies of Bekobod district of Tashkent region, Shuhrat Mirzayev Shahobutdinovich was appointed to the position of acting governor of Bekobod district. This was reported by the Tashkent regional government.
Before his appointment, he worked as the deputy head of the accounting and reporting department of the joint-stock commercial bank “Kishloq Kurilish Bank”.
For information, Shuhrat Mirzayev was born in 1982 in Tashkent. In 2004, he graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute, and in 2007, the Tashkent branch of the Russian Academy of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, and in 2009, the Academy of State and Community Development under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
We remind you that on August 3, after the criticism of the President, Furkat Khudoiberdiyev, the former mayor of Bekobad district, was released from his position according to his application.