The match between Abdusattarov and Kasimjonov has ended



Today, 28 March, the 1st international chess tournament "Rustam Kasimjanov" started in Tashkent.  20 strong chess players from 9 countries came to Tashkent to participate in the competition.

Uzbek chess leaders Rustam Kasimjanov and Nodirbek Abdusattarov, who won in the 1st round, met in the 2nd round of the tournament.  Abdusattarov came out on top in the match, which was the focus of many chess fans.

In the 2nd round, another chess player from Uzbekistan, Javahir Sindorov, defeated Shahriyor Mamadiyorov from Azerbaijan.  Nodirbek Yaqubboyev lost to Jordan Van Forest from the Netherlands.  Chess players will participate in a total of 5 round games in the program of the day.


shaxmat Abdusattorov Qosimjonov

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