Shavkat Mirziyoyev, criticized the fact that regional leaders did not engage with needy families in the social sphere



The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, criticized the fact that regional leaders did not engage with needy families in the social sphere, limiting themselves to giving money, food, and donating household appliances. He spoke about this today, on February 20, during a meeting via video conference regarding the priority tasks for expanding the coverage of social protection services further, which he chaired.

It is known that the National Social Protection Agency was established in June of last year. During this time, the state of affairs in the field was studied in cooperation with the experience of more than 10 countries and social service experts.

Analysis and studies have shown that the old system, which did not address people's concerns, needs to be radically changed, and this is a complex process.

While identifying some shortcomings in the field, the head of state pointed out that the activities of more than 20 social protection agencies were not clearly defined in the documents.

It is noted that in the previous social security system, instilling hope in people, improving their lives, and assisting them in finding employment were given low priority.

The President emphasized that a general approach in this field is not justified and that a special professional approach to the circumstances of each family and individual is necessary. He defined the priority directions.

The need for targeted, transparent, and fair organization of social service and support at the neighborhood level was emphasized.

It was noted that due to the development of criteria for identifying low-income families and making the system transparent, families with a steady income were removed from the category of needy.


Shavkat Mirziyoev O'zbekitson ijtimoiy soha

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