Floods are anticipated in the upper and middle sections of the Amudarya



Following intense rainfall in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, the water levels in the Amudarya are expected to surge, as reported by Turkmenistan's Hydrometeorological Service.

Projections indicate that water levels could rise from zero to 290-310 centimeters at the “Kerki” hydropost between May 21 and May 23, and from May 22 to May 25, levels in “Turkmanobod” could reach 270-300 centimeters, while “Dargon-Ota” could see levels of 480-500 centimeters.

A comparison of satellite images captured on May 18 and May 23 reveals a significant increase in water levels in the Amudarya on May 23 compared to May 18.

Heavy rainfall in Tajikistan and Afghanistan is attributed to the rising water levels in the Amudarya. Between May 16 and May 18, several regions in Tajikistan experienced heavy rainfall, with some areas receiving 50 mm or more precipitation per day, according to weather station data.

It's worth noting that Uzbekistan's Ministry of Water Management previously stated that water levels in the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers are expected to be favorable this year.





Amudaryo suv toshqinlari

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