Authorities detain nine men for disruptive behavior in a restaurant in Jizzakh



9 people were arrested for rioting in a restaurant in the city of Jizzakh and disobeying the legal requirements of the internal affairs officers. This was reported by the Regional Department of Internal Affairs.

It was reported that a group of young men committed hooliganism in a restaurant located in the Mirzo Ulugbek neighborhood of Jizzakh city. For example, these people tried to put pressure on the managers of the restaurant by breaking dishes. According to the victims, the reason for their actions was to destroy healthy competition.

All the guys worked in 5 nightclubs in Jizzakh. Among those arrested, it was found that 3 persons had been previously convicted for petty hooliganism, intentional infliction of minor bodily harm, and disobedience to the legal requirements of a DIA officer.

Based on the situation, investigations were carried out, and the Jizzakh city court considered the violations committed based on the collected documents on criminal cases. The court found them guilty of petty hooliganism and disobeying the legal requirements of the DIA officers and sentenced all the young men to 15 days of administrative imprisonment.


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