Cobalt hits the underage sisters. The girls died at the scene in Jizzakh
20 November 2024
9018In Jizzakh province, a tragic incident occurred when a Cobalt vehicle hit two underage sisters, aged 13 and 4, as they were crossing the road. The Regional DIA Road Safety Department reported the details of the accident.
The incident took place on November 18 at 19:30, on the 29th kilometer of the "Gallaorol-Bakhmal-Supa-Zomin" 4R-41 road in the Bakhmal district. The driver, A.O., born in 1991 and a resident of the village of Kaltatoy, Kutlugabad neighborhood in Bakhmal district, collided with the sisters I.M., born in 2011, and I.K., born in 2020.
As a result of the accident, the two sisters sustained severe injuries and tragically died at the scene. In connection with the incident, the Investigative Department under the IIB of Jizzakh region has opened a criminal case against the driver, O.A., under Article 266 (Violation of safety rules for traffic or use of vehicles), Part 3, Clause "a", and Article 117 (Leave at Risk), Part 3, Clause "a" of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O.A. has been arrested and placed in temporary custody. A preliminary investigation is underway.
This tragedy follows a similar accident in the Bandikhon district of Surkhandarya region, where a 7-year-old schoolboy also lost his life in a traffic accident. The boy was a first-grade student at the 9th school in the district. After the incident, a meeting was held at the school with the participation of YHXB officials, residents, and the parents of the deceased child to discuss the tragedy.