Tragic multi-vehicle collision in Jizzakh claims lives



On March 18, a tragic accident involving a truck, a Lacetti, and a passenger minibus occurred in the Nurliobod neighborhood of Jizzakh city along the A-376 international highway. The collision claimed the lives of three individuals and left 13 others injured, according to the Regional Traffic Safety Department.

The accident happened when a truck while attempting to turn left in the same direction, collided with a Lacetti and a passenger minibus traveling in the opposite direction.

One person died at the scene, while 15 others were transported to the Jizzakh branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Assistance. Despite medical efforts, two more individuals passed away in the hospital.

In response, the Traffic Safety Department reported that 120 truck drivers from the driver’s company were engaged in training sessions to prevent such accidents in the future.

“If the truck driver had followed the 5.8.7 road sign and moved along the right lane, this incident could have been avoided,” said a representative of the department.

Previously, another fatal accident occurred in the Sharof Rashidov district of the Jizzakh region on the M-39 highway, where a Matiz driver, reportedly falling asleep at the wheel, collided with a truck. The Matiz driver did not survive the incident.


Jizzax mikroavtobus Qurbon yuk mashinasi

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