Jamshid Khodjayev was received by the President of Azerbaijan



On September 23, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Uzbekistan's Deputy Prime Minister, Jamshid Khodjayev. The President of Azerbaijan's press service reported the meeting.

During the discussion, Jamshid Khodjayev highlighted Azerbaijan’s significant standing among Uzbekistan’s key partners, emphasizing the country’s regional and global influence. He also praised the extensive reconstruction and restoration efforts led by President Ilham Aliyev in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories, including the historic cities of Shusha and Khankendi.

The report further mentioned that President Aliyev, during his state visit to Uzbekistan, met with businessmen from both countries, stressing the importance of active collaboration on investment projects. In this context, Aliyev noted that the joint investment fund established between the two nations has already been utilized for specific projects. Additionally, Jamshid Khodjayev congratulated the Azerbaijani leader on Azerbaijan's State Sovereignty Day, celebrated on September 20.

Prospective areas for further strengthening bilateral relations were also discussed during the meeting.

As a reminder, last month, during his visit to Uzbekistan, President Ilham Aliyev signed an alliance agreement with Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and endorsed the decisions of the first session of the Interstate Supreme Council.


Ozarbayjon Ilhom Aliev Jamshid Xo'jaev

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