The construction of 5 stations of the underground metro line has been completed



5 stations of the "Qoyliq-Quruvchilar" underground metro line have been completed.  This was reported by the Uzbek News Agency.

It is noted that in August 2020, the first stage of the Tashkent underground metro was opened, and in December, the Sergeli route was opened.

Currently, the second stage of the above-ground loop metro line - the "Qoyliq-Quruvchilar" section, which includes 5 stations with a length of 8.5 km, has been completed.  Construction works are underway in the "Quruvchilar-Qipchoq" part of the project, which includes 2 stations with a length of 3.8 km.

Yesterday, on 24 March, the technical movement of trains along these routes was tested.

After technical tests, about 40,000 passengers can avail of the service on this route in one day.  It is planned that the journey time between routes will be 15 minutes.


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