Assistance was provided to an Uzbek man on a bicycle pilgrimage to Umrah who had his belongings stolen



With the help of diplomats from the Uzbek Consulate General in Jeddah, an Uzbek man in a difficult financial situation in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, was reunited with his family. This was reported by the "Dunyo" news agency.

According to the Consulate General, citizen G.M. and his wife A.R., who went to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah, sought assistance due to financial difficulties.

A.R. left Uzbekistan on March 30, traveling by bicycle to Saudi Arabia. He journeyed from Uzbekistan to Russia and then to Georgia. However, Georgian border guards sent him back to Russia. From there, A.R. traveled to Saudi Arabia via the route "Vladikavkaz - Istanbul - Jeddah."

While in Makkah, his bags containing his belongings and important documents were stolen.

"Representatives of the General Consulate, with the help of Uzbek citizens in Makkah, located A.R. and issued him a certificate to return to Uzbekistan. Additionally, with the support of active compatriots, a ticket was purchased for the 'Madina-Tashkent' route. Our compatriot returned safely to his family on May 17 this year," the agency reported.


Saudiya Arabistoni Umra

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