How many poor families are there in Uzbekistan?



A list of 1,200,000 poor families was compiled in Uzbekistan. Today, on November 7th, the head of the Information Service at the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment, Fakhriddin Khayitov, made this announcement during a briefing held at the Information and Mass Communications Agency of Uzbekistan.

He stated that the list of poor families is accessible on the electronic platform "Online Mahalla" The mayor's assistants have posted individual programs on this platform to help each family escape poverty.

Furthermore, the regulation for uplifting families out of poverty has been approved.
According to Khayitov, by the end of the year, 127,500 families will be lifted out of poverty in the republic, and measures are being taken to reduce the poverty level to 12%.

During the briefing, it was also mentioned that the International Labor Organization's Convention "On Paid Holidays" and the implementation of international standards and norms into national legislation were studied through a thorough analysis of foreign experiences. Fakhriddin Khayitov stated that as a result of this study, a draft law for the ratification of the Convention has been developed.


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