Uzbekistan plans population census for 2026



The population census in Uzbekistan is scheduled to take place from July 15 to August 21, 2026. The corresponding draft decree was recently published on the portal for discussing normative legal documents.

The draft outlines the establishment of both republican and regional commissions to facilitate the census. The primary responsibilities of the Republican Commission include:

- Preparing for the population census and ensuring the timely and high-quality execution of related measures.
- Coordinating and monitoring work processes associated with the census.
- Analyzing the results of the population census.
- Reviewing proposals regarding census preparation, financing, processing census materials, and announcing final results.
- Organizing the involvement of individuals and legal entities in the census preparation and execution, including addressing payment issues for their services.
- Developing proposals for collaboration with international organizations.

Furthermore, the Statistics Agency plans to procure the necessary technical equipment and software from 2024 to 2026, enabling the census to be conducted using tablet devices.

During the census, compliance with the Law "On Personal Information" and other related legal documents will be strictly enforced, ensuring that the information provided by respondents remains confidential.

The Cadastre Agency aims to complete the installation of name signs for settlements and streets, as well as the numbering of apartments and houses, by July 1, 2025.

Additionally, the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis have been advised to temporarily suspend any changes to the boundaries of administrative-territorial units, as well as the naming and renaming of topographic features, from September 1, 2025, to September 1, 2026.

As a result of the population census, accurate calculations of the population at both the national and regional levels will be conducted. A comprehensive information database will be established, detailing demographic, socio-economic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, education, living standards, employment, nationality, and citizenship. This database will support the development of measures to enhance demographic policy, improve public health, and strengthen the welfare of women and children.

It is worth noting that earlier reports indicated the population census in Uzbekistan could be concluded by 2026, with the final results for the republic and regions expected by December 1, 2025. The deadlines for the official publication, distribution, and archiving of census results have also been set for the end of 2025. 


O'zbekiston aholini ro'yxatga olish

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