Prime Ministers of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan meet in Samarkand



Today, October 22, the fourth Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan interregional cooperation forum took place in Samarkand, as reported by the Government of Uzbekistan's official portal.

The forum was attended by representatives from all regions of both countries, along with approximately 200 business leaders. It was led by Abdulla Aripov, Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, and Uljas Bektenov, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

The forum highlighted the rapid and positive development of strategic partnerships and alliance relations between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in recent years, based on centuries-old friendship, good neighborliness, and mutual respect. The aim of the forum was to create favorable conditions for direct contacts between regional leaders and entrepreneurs, providing comprehensive support for their endeavors.

It was noted that over the past seven years, trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan has nearly doubled, reaching $4.4 billion last year. Currently, more than 1,000 enterprises with Kazakh capital are operating in Uzbekistan, while over 3,600 enterprises with Uzbek capital are functioning in Kazakhstan. The forum included detailed discussions on strategies to boost mutual trade to $10 billion in the coming years by effectively utilizing existing reserves.

"Interregional relations serve as a driving force for expanding the long-term partnership between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In particular, the border regions have established direct and close relations, with the Mangistau region linked to the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Tashkent region with Turkestan, and the Navoi region with Kyzylorda. Our non-border regions have also strengthened mutual relations and developed trade and industrial cooperation," the report stated.

Additionally, the forum emphasized the significant untapped potential between the regions and a strong interest in developing direct relations and implementing mutually beneficial projects. The advancement of cultural and humanitarian relations between the two nations was also highlighted as a priority. Several documents were signed as a result of the fourth interregional forum.

It is noteworthy that Kazakhstan has been the only major importer from Uzbekistan that has not increased its import volume over the past decade; in fact, it has decreased. In 2023, the volume of exports from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan fell by 32% compared to 2013, amounting to only $1.4 billion.


Qozog'iston Samarqand O'zbekiston Abdulla Aripov Oljas Bektenov

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