The agreement on the exchange of prisoners between Uzbekistan and Turkey was sent to the Senate
18 October 2022
5468At the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) today 18 October, the draft law "On the ratification of the agreement on the transfer of prisoners between the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the government of the Republic of Turkey" was considered.
This agreement was signed within the framework of the official visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the Republic of Uzbekistan on 29-30 March 2022.
Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Erkin Yoldoshev participated in the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and informed them about the advantages of this agreement.
According to him, this agreement consists of 24 articles, which describe the procedure for transferring prisoners who are serving a sentence for committing a crime in the territory of the contracting state that issued the sentence, and who are citizens of another contracting party to the state where the sentence is executed.
"A convicted person may be transferred from the territory of the party where the sentence was issued, to the territory of the party where the sentence is executed to serve the sentence or the remainder of it. The party to which the sentence is executed shall ensure that the sentence is served in full, based on the decision of the competent body, without worsening the condition of the prisoner. The punishment assigned to the convict is carried out based on the judgment of the court of the party where the sentence is issued. The court of the party to which the sentence is to be executed shall issue a decision on the execution of the sentence imposed by the party to which the sentence was issued. After the convict is handed over to the party where the sentence will be executed, all expenses related to such handover will be covered by the party where the sentence will be executed," says Erkin Yuldoshev.
Also, the document specifies the procedure for resolving disputes, languages of bilateral communication, amendments to the agreement, its entry into force, and termination.
The Prosecutor General's Office is considered the central body by Uzbekistan regarding all issues related to the request for transfer following this agreement.
The agreement allows convicts to serve their sentences in their own country and to see their close relatives regularly. This has a positive effect on family relations and accelerates the adaptation of the prisoner to the social life of society.