Urgench International Airport will be opened on August 5



Urgench International Airport will open on August 5 due to the completion of construction and repair works ahead of schedule. This was reported by the press service of Uzbekistan Airports.

It was noted that according to the plan, the repair work was expected to be completed by August 7. However, the construction and repair work was finished earlier than scheduled.

"It should be noted that a large amount of work was done in two weeks. In particular, the pavement of the runway, which is 3,000 meters long and 45 meters wide, was replaced and strengthened. Additionally, the second and third runways were overhauled. This will allow the airport to receive wide-body aircraft such as the Boeing 787 and Airbus A330 without restrictions. Consequently, the number of flights and the flow of passengers to the city of Urgech will increase,'' the report stated.

For information, Urgench International Airport temporarily ceased operations on July 20 of this year due to the start of capital repair work on the runway. During the reconstruction period, all flights were redirected to Nukus International Airport, and all passengers were provided with transportation to Nukus Airport.

The last major reconstruction of the runway in Urgench was carried out in 1997, and partial repair of damaged parts was conducted in 2018.


Urganch xalqaro aeroport

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