Elevator in Tashkent apartment building falls with people inside



A video has surfaced on social media showing an elevator in a multi-story building in Tashkent falling with people inside. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services has issued a statement regarding the incident.

According to the report, the incident occurred in the elevator of Building 12 in the Normuhammedov neighborhood of Yashnobod district. The ministry’s responsible officials visited the site to investigate the situation. It was noted that due to a malfunction in the sensor responsible for slowing the elevator as it approached the designated floor, the necessary signal was not transmitted in time. As a result, the elevator’s safety mechanism was activated, causing it to stop between the 2nd and 3rd floors.

The issue was promptly addressed by the 24/7 dispatch service of “Eco Hudud,” which services the building, and “Xavfsiz Lift,” the organization responsible for elevator maintenance under contract. Representatives of the maintenance organization arrived at the scene and successfully evacuated the residents within 4-5 minutes.

To address the root causes of the problem, ministry representatives held discussions with the Yashnobod district governor, representatives of the Committee for Industrial, Radiation, and Nuclear Safety, and other relevant organizations.

“It was emphasized that the system needs to be digitized and monitoring mechanisms strengthened. Additionally, specific instructions were given to improve communication channels within elevator cabins and implement necessary measures to prevent such incidents in the future,” the report states.

It was noted that the elevator has now been restored to working condition.

As a reminder, on February 3, a cleaning woman tragically lost her life after being trapped by elevator counterweights in a shopping complex in the Olmazor district of Tashkent.


Toshkent lift

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