Father pays 818.8 million sums for alimony in Tashkent



The father made an advance payment covering 16 years of alimony, according to a report by the Enforcement Bureau.

It was reported that citizen E.Z., who had been making alimony payments on time, submitted a request to pre-calculate the total amount of alimony needed to support his three minor children until they reach adulthood. The calculation for the period from 2024 to 2040 showed a total alimony amount of 818 million 895 thousand 193 sums.

Additionally, it was explained that E.Z. intends to file a request with the court to modify the method and order of execution of the advance alimony payment. The court granted the debtor's request and issued a decision on August 15 of this year.

Following this court decision, E.Z. paid the claimant N.D. a total of 818 million 895 thousand 193 sums, which included a house, a Spark vehicle, and alimony amounting to 2 thousand US dollars.

It is worth noting that the father, who had previously evaded alimony payments for 11 years, was located at his grandmother's house in Bukhara. Similarly, a debtor father who had been avoiding his child’s financial support was found at his aunt's house in Andijan.


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