Doctor who kissed a patient in Tashkent was sentenced to 5 days



A 55-year-old doctor from the private clinic "Plan Baby" in Tashkent was sentenced to 5 days of administrative imprisonment after kissing a patient during a medical procedure. The court documents were reviewed by QALAMPIR.UZ, detail the incident.

According to the report, a female patient, E.B., visited the clinic for treatment when N.I., a male ENT doctor, performed inappropriate and degrading actions by kissing her. In court, the doctor admitted his guilt, claiming that he had fallen in love with the patient and could not control himself. He expressed regret for his actions and asked for forgiveness.

The Yunusabad district court found N.I. guilty of committing the offense under Article 41-1 (Sexual Lewdness) of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, sentencing him to 5 days of administrative imprisonment. An appeal was filed, but the appellate court upheld the original decision.

This incident follows a similar case in the Khorezm region, where a man was sentenced to 4 days of administrative detention for sexually assaulting his daughter-in-law.



Toshkent shifokor shilqimlik

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