Action was taken against the father of a young boy who drove Labo truck in Surkhandarya (video)



In the Surkhandarya region, an incident involving a minor driving a Labo truck sparked public outrage, leading to action being taken against the boy's father. This was reported by the regional Department of Internal Affairs.

The young boy spotted driving a Labo truck several times in the Zartepa neighborhood of Angor district, drew concern from residents. Following their reports, traffic police officers assigned to the area were informed and asked to address the violation.

The matter was investigated by Captain Sanjar Mengliboyev, the senior inspector of the Angor district DIA, in the presence of the boy’s father. As a result, an administrative report was filed by the law.

"The DIA RSD of Surkhandarya region expresses its gratitude to community members for their vigilance in ensuring road safety and their cooperation with law enforcement," the report states.

It is worth noting that a similar incident occurred in Fergana, where a father faced administrative charges after his young children created videos about romantic topics.


Surxondaryo Angor Labo

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