The Ministry of Health is assigned with new tasks
01 October 2022
9781It is planned to include the position of adviser to the Minister on healthcare reform and information technologies in the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Health. This is mentioned in the draft of the presidential decree "On measures to improve health management bodies".
The new consultant will oversee the development of the concept and strategic goals for the management and planning of the health care system, and the full implementation of reforms in the field.
According to the draft decision, the Ministry of Health will be additionally assigned the following tasks aimed at solving the systemic deficiencies and problems that have accumulated in recent years in the organization of health care activities and further improving the health protection system of citizens:
• unification of national legislation in the field of health care and development of directly affecting laws aimed at improving the quality of medical services and protecting the rights of patients, as well as strengthening the responsibility and protection of medical personnel;
• formation of a modern management system and a "cluster" model of health care organization in the regions, which ensures the introduction of the most exemplary practices of management and quality management of medical services based on world standards, the introduction of the system of accreditation of medical and pharmaceutical institutions, licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities;
• protection of maternity and childhood based on the development of medical genetics, urgent and specialized medical care for women and children, the introduction of modern screening programs, formation of "Mother and child" regional multidisciplinary medical complexes and information systems;
• to increase the efficiency, quality, and popularity of medical care, as well as the formation of a medical standardization system, the introduction of high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment, the support of a healthy lifestyle, and the prevention of diseases by creating effective models of patronage service and dispensary to do;
• improving the system of financing the medical sector, setting the amount of free medical care guaranteed by the state at all stages of medical service provision, the wide introduction of the system of payment for "each treated case", as well as the gradual introduction of mandatory medical insurance;
• development of the private healthcare system, public-private partnership and medical tourism, creation of favorable conditions for the wide attraction of investments in the healthcare sector, and improvement of the competitive environment;
• further development of the pharmaceutical industry, improvement of price formation mechanisms, expansion of the volume and types of production of medicines, medical equipment, and products, and strengthening of state control over them;
• formation of an effective system of training, retraining, and advanced training of medical personnel, development of medical science, including certification (accreditation) of medical scientific and educational institutions according to international standards;
• Wide implementation of the "electronic health care" system, creation of a complex of integrated information systems and databases based on uniform national standards.
The draft resolution will be discussed until 14 October.