3 people were poisoned by gas in Syrdarya, resulting in one fatality



Three employees from the Guliston city branch of "Syrdarya Water Supply" JSC experienced an unknown poisoning incident, as reported by "Uzsuvtaminot" JSC.

On June 27 at 10:00 a.m., the Regional Emergency Management received an urgent call from the 5th sewage pumping station on Guliston Street, "Bogishamol" neighborhood, in Guliston City, Syrdarya region. The report indicated that three employees from the Guliston city branch of JSC "Syrdarya Water Supply" were suffering from an unidentified poisoning, and their conditions were deteriorating.

Subsequent investigations revealed that one employee, H.I., had died, while the other two, Z.B. and X.A., were admitted to the regional hospital's intensive care unit. Doctors have stated that their condition is critical.

"Relevant agencies are conducting investigations into the incident. Additional information will be provided as the study results come in. The team at "Uzsuvtaminot" JSC extends its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased," the report stated.


gaz zaharlanish “Sirdaryo suv ta'minoti” AJ

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