HEI admission quotas were confirmed



The parameters of the state order (grant) for admission to state higher education institutions for the 2024/2025 academic year were approved by Presidential Decree No. 36 dated July 19, 2024. This was reported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation.

According to the decree:

  • 34,838 places have been allocated for full-time bachelor's education.
  • 9,365 grant places have been allocated for master's degrees.

It is noteworthy that this year, the quotas were announced not by higher education institutions but by academic directions. These quotas apply only to state grants and not to payment contracts. Furthermore, they are valid exclusively for full-time education, excluding part-time, evening, and distance learning programs.

Detailed quotas are expected to be announced by the State Admissions Commission within approximately one week.

Additionally, it was previously reported that entrance exams for higher education institutions have commenced. The list of buildings where applicants will be tested has also been announced.


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