Individuals smuggling cigarettes via canal in Namangan were apprehended



Individuals attempting to smuggle tobacco products into Uzbekistan via a swift-flowing waterway from the Kyrgyz Republic to the Namangan region have been apprehended. This was reported by the Regional Department of Internal Affairs.

According to the report, on June 30 of this year, three local residents were caught by law enforcement officers in Yangiqo‘rg‘on district as they were retrieving black-wrapped cigarettes from a powerful canal. It was determined that the cigarettes were intended for sale in Kyrgyzstan.

During the rapid operation, a total of 9,000 packs of "Milan" cigarettes, valued at 100 million soums, were confiscated.

"A criminal case has been initiated under Article 186-1 of the Criminal Code (Illegal Handling or Production of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Tobacco Products). An investigation is currently underway," the report stated.

It should be noted that earlier, a truck smuggling drugs from Afghanistan was intercepted in Surxondaryo.


Namangan kanal sigareta

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