“Clean Air - 2030” program is a new step towards improving air quality
16 September 2024
1948Air pollution is becoming an increasingly urgent issue for the people of Uzbekistan. In the fall, as the heating season approaches and thermal power plants begin operating actively, and in the summer, when dust storms occasionally cover the capital, the problem worsens.
Air quality is currently being monitored in more than 6,000 cities across 117 countries. According to data, 99% of the world's population breathes air that is polluted beyond acceptable quality standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO), posing a threat to their health.
Air pollution is responsible for many deaths worldwide. The WHO estimates that 13 million people die each year from preventable environmental causes. PM 2.5 particles (tiny air particles between 0.001 and 2.5 micrometers) can enter the human body through the lungs and bloodstream, causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
According to statistics, six percent of non-accidental deaths in Uzbekistan are caused by polluted air. Air pollution also affects food security, hinders economic development, and contributes to climate change.
Many developed countries have implemented successful programs to improve air quality. For example, in Germany, the Clean Air Program has introduced special "red zones" in major cities, where only electric vehicles or low-emission vehicles are allowed. In the U.S., industrial emissions are being reduced, and green spaces are being increased under the Clean Air Act.
In the new pre-election program of the Liberal-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, one of the key initiatives is the proposal to adopt the "Clean Air - 2030 National Program" to improve air quality across all regions. This program aims to enhance the ecological situation, protect public health, and create a healthy environment for future generations.
The implementation of the national program "Musaffo Havo - 2030" in Uzbekistan will help monitor air quality in all regions and identify sources of pollution. Through this, specific measures will be developed to address the identified problems.
The party's proposal to introduce the "Clean Air - 2030 National Program" is a vital step for the ecological and social development of Uzbekistan. By utilizing foreign experience, the effective implementation of this program can significantly improve air quality and help mitigate environmental challenges in the country.