What challenges are awaiting Saida Mirziyoyeva in Karakalpakstan


On August 19 of this year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyeva assigned his daughter and assistant, Saida Mirziyoyeva, to oversee the development of Karakalpakstan. So, what issues will she need to address to advance the region? QALAMPIR.UZ sought input from the residents of Karakalpakstan themselves.

Residents have highlighted several pressing problems:

Many people in Karakalpakstan are struggling with joblessness. One resident noted, "There is a lot of unemployment in Karakalpakstan. While some opportunities exist, there is a need to increase the number of jobs. For example, as a cook, it would be beneficial to have more formal employment opportunities. Currently, we work informally in a restaurant. It would help if such jobs could be formalized."

According to another resident, remote villages face frequent gas and electricity outages, and road conditions are poor. "No matter where you look, the roads are bumpy," they said.

A significant concern for many is the lack of water. One respondent emphasized that water scarcity is a major issue, a sentiment echoed by others.

 A market buyer expressed frustration over high living costs, stating, "There are road, light, and gas problems. Besides that, everything is expensive."

However, some residents have a different perspective and feel the issues are not as severe:

A woman from Nukus reported, "We have ambulances that come and go easily. Roads and buses are free, pensions are given on time, and utilities are consistent."

These insights highlight the diverse range of challenges and perspectives within Karakalpakstan as Saida Mirziyoyeva takes on this significant role.





Shavkat Mirziyoyev Saida Mirziyoyeva Qoraqalpog‘iston

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