Mirziyoyev and Putin hold talks in a narrow format



Today, May 27, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan and President Vladimir Putin of Russia convened a private meeting at the "Koksaroy" residence, as reported by the President's press service.

At the outset, President Mirziyoyev warmly congratulated President Putin, noting that Uzbekistan is among the first countries Putin is visiting following his re-election.

The discussion focused on further developing and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance between Uzbekistan and Russia.

Preparations for the visit included meetings of parliamentary members, political consultations, the "Innoprom" exhibition, conferences of university rectors from top engineering and technical institutions, and heads of prestigious medical institutions. Additionally, the Russian Art Week is ongoing in Tashkent.

There was satisfaction with the increasing trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. The volume of mutual trade and investments from Russia is rising, and industrial cooperation is expanding, with joint project portfolios amounting to $45 billion.

"We have a very broad agenda, and for the first time, we signed a 63-point Roadmap, which is truly being implemented," said Mirziyoyev.

An agreement was reached to launch a Joint Investment Platform to support joint projects of leading enterprises.

The presidents underscored the importance of further developing interregional cooperation. The first meeting of the Council of Regions of Uzbekistan and Russia, chaired by the heads of state, will take place today.

They also discussed the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in areas such as energy (including nuclear energy), agriculture, innovation, migration, security, and other fields.

The development of multifaceted cultural-humanitarian exchanges was highly praised, and a cultural cooperation program will be adopted during the visit.

Special attention was given to cooperation in education and engineering personnel training. Agreements were made to open branches of Moscow Technical University named after Bauman and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade in Uzbekistan.

The leaders also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual interest.


Shavkat Mirziyoyev Rossiya O‘zbekiston Vladimir Putin

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