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New head was appointed to the position of Merey Amonboyeva



Dilshod Esonovich Shakarov has been appointed as the new head of the Navoi regional department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, replacing Merey Amonboyeva, as reported by UzA.  

Before his appointment, Shakarov served as the first deputy governor of Uchkuduk district, overseeing finance, economics, and poverty reduction, and also headed the district’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Department.  

Shakarov, born in Samarkand in 1975, holds degrees from the Samarkand Cooperative Institute (1999), Samarkand State University (2009), and Tashkent State University of Economics (2024). He previously served as head of the Navoi regional department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2018-2019.  

It is worth noting that Merey Amonboyeva, the former head of the Navoi regional department, was recently sentenced in a criminal case. She was found guilty of committing a large-scale fraud (Article 168, Part 4, Clause “a” of the Criminal Code). However, the court decided to release her from punishment, citing her lack of prior convictions, socially beneficial work, and the compensation for damages. The court also took into account her awards, including the “Pride of the Neighborhood” badge and the "Zulfiya" state award, and determined that she no longer posed a social danger, thus invoking Article 70 of the Criminal Code to release her from punishment.  


Navoiy viloyati Savdo-sanoat palatasi Merey Omonboeva

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