Control over the use of media products will be strengthened



The President signed the law "On the accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (Rome, October 26, 1961)" on June 5.

The Convention aims to protect the related rights of performers, phonogram producers, and broadcasting organizations by providing them with national-level protection in the contracting states.

The law includes the following provisions:

  • Uzbekistan will provide broadcasting rights only if the broadcasting organization's headquarters and the transmitter used for transmission are both located in another contracting state.
  • Article 12 will not apply to phonograms if the producer is not a citizen or legal entity of another contracting state.

It is noted that joining the convention will help introduce advanced international standards for protecting intellectual property rights and enhance Uzbekistan's reputation.


Prezident O'zbekiston Media

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