A criminal case was opened against the officials of the Academy of Choreography



A criminal case was initiated against officials of the State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan.  This was reported by the Press Service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

It is reported that when the activities of the State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan were studied by the prosecutor’s office, it was found that the admission to the university was not transparent and opened the way for corrupt factors.

In particular:

  • Contrary to the requirements of regulatory documents, the general public was not informed about the start of enrollment a month in advance;
  • The results of the creative examination of 496 applicants were not videotaped;
  • The practical works of 52 applicants were evaluated by the admissions committee without encryption and confidentiality.

In addition, 319 million soums were paid to 22 teachers and pedagogues at the academy, and 154 million soums were paid for missed lessons.

Documents were falsified, 270 million soums were paid to 7 employees who did not actually work, 107 million soums were paid to 6 employees who did not perform their duties, and budget funds were embezzled.

A deficit of goods and material assets of 76 million soums was allowed by the materially responsible persons.

It is said that a criminal case has been initiated in connection with the detected violations of the law, and investigations are currently underway.


jinoyat ishi Xoreografiya akademiyasi

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